Discover deathcare providers with a commitment to diversity and intersectionality.
Tips on starting and continuing those tough conversations.
Find palliative care that feels right for you and the ones you love.
Estate planning and other ways to protect partners, children, and chosen family.
It is never too early to talk about who you want in charge of your funeral.
Learn how to plan funeral services that reflect your secular or alternative religious identity.
What we believe
We believe in a deathcare experience that is based in respect, dignity, and compassion for the beautiful myriad of identities encompassed within the LGBTQIA+ community. In the face of the archaic and conservative funeral industrial complex, and an antagonistic legal system, education is one of the best weapons marginalized communities can use to protect themselves. We believe that this education starts by creating a foundation of understanding which bridges the gap between deathcare professionals and the LGBTQIA+ families they serve.
We recognize the widespread need for availability of secular funeral services and inclusivity for alternative spiritualities during end-of-life and into death. Individuals and families without faith deserve to hold funerals and do griefwork without pressure to include religious elements or clergy. We believe that funeral homes should be knowledgeable and capable of serving families from all walks of life when they come through their doors.
What we do
This organization aims to provide the tools and knowledge which ensures everyone is respected in death, no matter who we are or who we love. We teach marginalized communities how to safeguard loved ones left behind from unsupportive legal next of kin and indifferent funeral professionals. We collect nation-wide resources and connect people to the deathcare services they need when they need them. We educate about the funeral process from end-of-life to bereavement aftercare for individuals and families traditionally left behind by mainstream funeral culture.
We also are issuing a call to action for deathcare workers to modernize their practice by including individuals and families that often get left behind in this traditionally conservative industry. Equal Deathcare is committed to continuing research and education for professionals that addresses the unique needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. We provide deathcare workers with a foundational basis of knowledge about how to best serve and support this beautifully diverse community.
Who We Are
Equal Deathcare is a collective of people who aim to educate LGBTQIA+ community on how to protect their identities, loved ones, and legacies during end-of-life and into death. We are activists and educators, social workers and funeral directors, passionate members of the community and dedicated working professionals.